Last time modernisation and cuts were attempted in public services, creation of capability in change management and delivery were overlooked. Can we re-frame this adversity as an opportunity to create the competence to do things differently? Continue Reading
NLP and the Project Charter – a way of creating harmony across the team
Project Charters can be a very effective way of bringing a team together and quickly normalising behaviours to create high performing teams, even for global operations. Continue Reading
Method is important, but knowing how to use it is more so
Chris McLean, Head of PM at Fujitsu, makes statements that aspiring project managers should heed (Inbox, Project Magazine June 2011). Continue Reading
We don’t need more communication in projects…
We don’t need more communication in projects…
…we need more effective communication. Here’s how NLP for project managers can help. Continue Reading
Talk to Scotland branch – competences, emotional intelligence and psychology
I was invited up to Glasgow to speak on the 18th May and completed my Scottish hat trick after events in Edinburgh in March and Aberdeen in April. One head of PM capability for a multi-national engineering firm asked how the skills covered in my talk / book relate to emotional intelligence (EI) frameworks. Continue Reading
Facilitating strategy using NLP
I was asked to facilitate a strategy session across the Association for Project Management’s (APM) best practice groups last week at their twice-yearly forum and was able to put many NLP tools and techniques to effective use. Continue Reading
Is Project Leadership all in the mind ?
Being a certain kind of person, I spent some of my Easter holiday reading Goleman‘s book on Primal Leadership, and on my return opened Project Manager Today to read the article on ‘Project Management is all in the mind’ by Chem Silverman. Continue Reading